Configuring NAT Rules to Securely Access a Remote Network
Cisco ISA500 Series Integrated Security Appliances Administration Guide 263
Priorities of NAT Rules
If there is a conflict between advanced NAT, static NAT, or port forwarding rules,
the security appliance will process the rules as described below.
Inbound Traffic
For an inbound packet, the security appliance will perform NAT before a
forwarding decision is made and will use the following order of precedence for the
various types of rules:
1. Advanced NAT
2. Static NAT
3. Port Forwarding
4. Port Triggering
Outbound Traffic
For an outbound packet, the security appliance will perform NAT after a
forwarding decision is made and will use the following order of precedence for
various types of rules.
1. Advanced NAT
2. Static NAT
3. Dynamic PAT
Translated Source
IP address that the specified original source address is
translated to.
Translated Destination
Interface that the specified destination interface is
translated to.
Translated Source
Interface that the specified source interface is
translated to.
Tx Packets Number of transmitted packets.
Rx Packets Number of received packets.
Tx Bytes/Sec Volume in bytes of transmitted traffic.
Rx Bytes/Sec Volume in bytes of received traffic.
Field Description