MGDwgDataSources Object | 89
Return Values
String (read/write) – Represents the category of the query that is assigned as
the filter.
Error Codes
-1 (Busy) – This error code is returned for the write operation.
-15 (DoesNotApply) – This error code is returned for the read operation.
See Also
getQueryCategory, setQueryCategory, getQueryName, setQueryName,
getThemeName Method
String getThemeName()
Gets the name of the theme that is assigned as the DWG filter.
In DWG layers, you can specify an AutoCAD Map theme as the filter for layer
data. If FilterType is set as a theme filter (value of 2), this method returns the
name of the theme used in the filter. If FilterType is not set as a theme filter,
this method returns NULL with the error code DoesNotApply. For more
information about FilterType, see “FilterType Property,” on page 83.
For information about setting the name of theme filters, see Step 8 under
“Creating a Layer from a Theme” on page 13.