
Providing Access to the Enhanced Layer Functionality API | 37
Providing Access to the Enhanced Layer
Functionality API
The API for the new enhanced layer functionality provides access to your
spatial data provider (SDP) and OLE database data sources. To secure your
data against unwanted changes, access to the enhanced layer functionality
API for a layer is blocked by default.
If you are adding enhanced layer functionality to your maps, you need to
decide whether or not you want to provide developers with access to the API
for enhanced layer functionality.
You can use Autodesk MapGuide’s existing security functionality to control
access to the existing API by setting a passkey using the options under the
Security tab in the Map Layer Properties dialog box. In addition to the
existing security options, a new option has been added that you can use to
provide access to the API for the new enhanced layer functionality. If you
check the new Allow Access To The Layer’s Geometry Function And
Advanced Settings check box, developers can access the enhanced layer func-
tionality API by setting a passkey. If you do not check this new option, devel-
opers will not have access to the enhanced layer functionality API for the