172 |Index
WhereSource property 103
MGMap Object
additions to 124
MGMapLayer object
additions to 125
getLayerType method 125
LayerType property 126
MGMapLayerSetup Object
additions to 153
addPostSQLStatements method 162
addPreSQLStatements method 159
clearPostSQLStatements method 163
clearPreSQLStatements method 160
getClipAdjust method 155
getClipEnabled method 157
getGeometryFunction method 153
getPostSQLStatements method 161
getPreSQLStatements method 159
getSpatialQuery method 164
new error code 166
setClipAdjust method 156
setClipEnabled method 158
setGeometryFunction method 154
setSpatialQuery method 164
MGMapLayerSetup object 126
getDwfDataSources method 126
getSourceType method 128
MGDwfDataSources property 127
SourceType property 128
saveAsDwf method 124
MWF files
format change 4
sample URL parameter entry 64
NameColumn property 142
NameSource property 97
non-secure site warning, preventing 73
MGDwfDataSources 128
MGDwgDataSources 82
MGMap 124
MGMapLayer 125
MGMapLayerSetup 126, 153
OLE database, running query against 52
Oracle geometry functions
list of supported 40
using 39
Oracle Spatial Data Provider
changes to 59
editing UDL files 61
registry changes 61
setting for enhanced layer functionality API
pass-thru SQL statements 55
arcs 7
treated as polygons 15
print driver for DWF 32
DataSource 131
Dwf 133
FilterType 83
KeyColumn 136
KeyColumnType 139
LayerFilter 147
LayerType 126
LinkedToSecondaryTable 108
MGDwfDataSources 127
NameColumn 142
NameSource 97
QueryCategory 88
QueryName 86
SecondaryDataSource 110
SecondaryKeyColumn 115
SecondaryTable 113
SheetName 150
SourceType 128
SQLWhereClause 106
ThemeCategory 94
ThemeName 91
TreatBlocksAsPoints 121
TreatClosedPolylinesAsPolygons 118
UrlColumn 144
UrlSource 100
WhereSource 103
Provider for Oracle Spatial, changes to 59
creating layers from 10
overview 9
QueryCategory property 88
QueryName property 86
registry changes, Oracle SDP 61
saveAsDwf method 124
SecondaryDataSource property 110
SecondaryKeyColumn property 115
SecondaryTable property 113