
MGDwfDataSources Object | 145
Gets and sets the name of the column that contains the URLs associated with
each map feature on the Autodesk DWF layer. If this method is successful, it
sets the rebuild flag of the layer to True. Returns an empty string if this prop-
erty does not apply. For more information on the rebuild flag, see setRebuild
in the Autodesk MapGuide Viewer API Help. You can access the MapGuide
Viewer API Help by clicking Autodesk MapGuide 6.5 Documentation
Autodesk MapGuide Viewer API Help on the Program menu.
These URLs enable the user to go to a Web page that is related to a map
feature simply by double-clicking that feature. Typically, you store HTTP
URLs in this column, but you could also specify commands with other proto-
cols, such as FTP URLs, or JavaScript commands. Use caution, however, with
non-standard protocols, such as Javascript, as not all browsers support them.
For information about using URL columns containing DWF layers, see
“Displaying Friendly Names and URLs” on page 31.
String (read/write) – Represents the name of the column containing the URLs
for the map features.
Error Codes
-1 Busy
See Also
getUrlColumn, setUrlColumn
getLayerFilter Method
String getLayerFilter()