
360 Chapter 5
Language Reference
SENSe Subsystem
selected with INSTrument:SELect.
WaveformAveraging Mode
[:SENSe]:WAVeform:AVERage:TCONtrol EXPonential|REPeat
Select the type of termination control used for the averaging function.
This determines the averaging action after the specified number of
sweeps (average count) is reached.
EXPonential - Each successive data acquisition after the average
count is reached, is exponentially weighted and combined with the
existing average.
REPeat - After reaching the average count, the averaging is reset
and a new average is started.
Factory Preset
and *RST: EXPonential
Remarks: To use this command, the appropriate mode should be
selected with INSTrument:SELect.
WaveformAveraging Type
Select the type of averaging.
LOG - The log of the power is averaged. (This is also known as video
MAXimum - The maximum values are retained.
MINimum - The minimum values are retained.
RMS - The power is averaged, providing the rms of the voltage.
Factory Preset
and *RST: RMS
Remarks: To use this command, the appropriate mode should be
selected with INSTrument:SELect.
WaveformResolution BW
[:SENSe]:WAVeform:BANDwidth|BWIDth[:RESolution] <freq>