
Chapter 5 207
Language Reference
CALCulate Subsystem
Marker On/Off
:CALCulate:<measurement>:MARKer[1]|2|3|4[:STATe] OFF|ON|0|1
Turns the selected marker on or off.
The marker must have already been assigned to a trace. Use
:CALCulate:<measurement>:MARKer[1]|2|3|4:TRACe to assign a
marker to a particular trace.
Example: CALC:SPEC:MARK2: on
Remarks: The keyword for the current measurement must be
specified in the command. (Some examples include:
SPECtrum, AREFerence, WAVeform)
The WAVeform measurement only has two markers
Front Panel
Marker, Select then Marker Normal or Marker On Off
Marker to Trace
:CALCulate:<measurement>:MARKer[1]|2|3|4:TRACe <trace_name>
Assigns the specified marker to the designated trace. Not all types of
measurement data can have markers assigned to them.
Example: With the WAVeform measurement selected, a valid
command is CALC:SPEC:MARK2:TRACE rfenvelope.
Range: The names of valid traces are dependent upon the
selected measurement. See the following table for the
available trace names. The trace name assignment is
independent of the marker number.
Remarks: The keyword for the current measurement must be
specified in the command. (Some examples include:
SPECtrum, WAVeform)
Front PanelAccess:
Marker, Marker Trace