
Chapter 5 245
Language Reference
HCOPy Subsystem
Screen Dump Query
The query returns the current screen image as a file. If the optional file
type is not specified it returns GIF type graphic data. The orientation is
always portrait and the image is always in color.
The data is formatted as block data where the block of data starts with
an ASCII header that indicates how many additional binary data bytes
are following in the block. (e.g. #DNNN<binary data>) The binary data
is the actual graphics file. To process the block of data you would:
Read the first header byte #. The # tells you to read the next digit
(D). That digit tells you how many additional digits there are in the
header. (In the above example D=3.)
Then read the next D (that is, 3) bytes. The digits NNN tell you the
number of bytes of data there are following the header.
Those final data bytes are the screen image in the requested format.
They can be saved as a separate file with a .gif, .bmp or .wmf suffix
to use in other applications.
Factory Preset
and *RST: GIF
History: Firmware revision A.03.28 and later, changed A.04.00
Screen Dump Image Inverting
Controls the trace background color when using the
HCOPy:SDUMp:DATA? query.
Normal, is black trace background
Invert, is white trace background
Factory Preset
and *RST: Invert
History: Revision A.04.00 and later