300 Chapter 5
Language Reference
SENSe Subsystem
Factory Preset
and *RST:
Remarks: You must be in Basic mode to use this command. Use
INSTrument:SELect to set the mode.
History: Revision A.03.00 or later
Adjacent Channel Power—Define Offset Frequency List
iDEN mode
[:SENSe]:ACP:OFFSet[:FREQuency] <f_offset>
Basic mode, cdmaOne
cdma2000, W-CDMA (3GPP) mode
cdmaOne, W-CDMA (Trial & Arib) mode
Define the custom set of offset frequencies at which the switching
transient spectrum part of the ACP measurement will be made. The list
contains five (5) entries for offset frequencies. Each offset frequency in
the list corresponds to a reference bandwidth in the bandwidth list.
An offset frequency of zero turns the display of the measurement for
that offset off, but the measurement is still made and reported. You can
turn off (not use) specific offsets with the
[:SENSe]:ACP:OFFSet:LIST:STATe command.
Offset[n] n=1 is base station and 2 is mobiles. The default is base
station (1).
Mode Offset A Offset B Offset C Offset D Offset E
Basic &