
194 Chapter 5
Language Reference
CALCulate Subsystem
CALCulate Subsystem
This subsystem is used to perform post-acquisition data processing. In
effect, the collection of new data triggers the CALCulate subsystem. In
this instrument, the primary functions in this subsystem are markers
and limits.
The SCPI default for data output format is ASCII. The format can be
changed to binary with FORMat:DATA which transports faster over the
ACP - Limits
Adjacent Channel PowerLimit Test
Turn limit test on or off.
Factory Preset
and *RST: On
Remarks: You must be in Basic, cdmaOne, iDEN mode to use this
command. Use INSTrument:SELect to set the mode.
Adjacent Channel PowerLimit Test
:CALCulate:ACP:LIMit[:TEST] OFF|ON|0|1
Turn limit test on or off.
Factory Preset
and *RST: On
Remarks: You must be in the NADC, cdmaOne, or PDC mode to
use this command. Use INSTrument:SELect to set the