
Chapter 5 283
Language Reference
MMEMory Subsystem
Store a Screen Image in a Graphic File
:MMEMory:STORe:SCReen[:IMMediate] <filename>
The :MMEMory:STORe:SCReen[:IMMediate] command will write the
screen image to a file regardless of what the front panel
Print Setup,
Print To
key function is set to. Screen files are always saved in color with
an orientation of portrait.
The <filename> variable is composed of:
[<device>:]<name>[.<extension>] where:
<filename> is a string that must be enclosed in single () or double (")
<device> must be A or C. Upper or lower case is acceptable. If device
is not specifed the default is set by MMEM:MSIS.
<name> must be 1 to 8 characters in length and consist only of the
characters a..z, A..Z and 0..9 (no underscore). If a name is not
specified the default is screen1.
<.extension> must be .gif|.bmp|.wmf. (Note the lower case.) If a file
type extension is not specified the default is set by
Example: MMEM:STOR:SCR C:myscreen.gif
Remarks: When writing to A, <name> can be any valid
DOS-compatible name.
When writing to C, <name> must be screen1 . . .
screen6. (Note the lower case.)
If you write a file to C any existing screen file with the
same name will be replaced, regardless of the
extensions. For example, file screen3.gif will replace file
History: VSA - Added in version A.04.00 and later
Front Panel
Print Setup, Print To File