
Chapter 5 189
Language Reference
Common IEEE Commands
SYST:SET #NMMMM<state_data>
The following example is a response to *LRN? The actual sizes will vary
depending on the instrument state data size.
Example: :SYST:SET #42016<state data>
Where: 4 (the N in the preceding query response example) represents the
number of digits to follow
Where: 2016 (the MMMM in the preceding query response example)
represents the number of bytes that follow in the <state data>.
The state can be changed by sending this block of data to the
instrument after removing the size information:
:SYST:SET <state data>
Operation Complete Command
Sets bit 0 in the standard event status register to 1 when pending
operations have finished.
The instrument default is to only wait for completion of the internal
self-alignment routines. You must set the STATus:OPERation:EVENt
resgister if you want to look for the completion of additional processes.
See *OPC? below.
Key Type: There is no equivalent front panel key.
Operation Complete Query
This query stops new commands from being processed until the current
processing is complete. Then it returns a 1, and the program
continues. This query can be used to synchronize events of other
instruments on the external bus.
The instrument default is to only wait for completion of the internal
self-alignment routines. You must set the STATus:OPERation:EVENt
resgister if you want to look for the completion of additional processes
such as:
Register Bit
Byte Value
Calibrating 0 1
Sweeping 3 4