
Exiting the Quick Command
Program Setup Menu
When you complete all your Quick Command Program
Setup menu selections, press Esc. LM prompts you at the
bottom of the screen:
Keep changes? [Y]
Press ENTER, ESC, or Y if you want to keep your changes
or additions. Press N if you want to exit the Quick
Commands Program Setup menu without keeping the
changes you just made. In either case the LM Change
Menu returns.
At this point you can either select another Quick Command
to program or press Esc to exit the Change Menu. If you
made changes and previously elected to keep the changes,
LM again prompts you at the bottom of the screen:
Save changes? [Y]
Press ENTER, ESC, or Y if you want to keep your changes
or additions. Press N if you want to exit the Change Menu
without saving the changes you just made. In either case
the LM main menu returns.
Testing Your Menu
At the LM main menu, test your new application setup by
pressing the newly assigned function key. Does it load the
application program for you? If you get an error message,
press F12, F7, and the newly assigned function key again.
Check your entries for correctness. Be sure you specified
the correct pathname and working directory and that the
color palette file exists.
You can add both information display strings and
applications to the LM Applications list in the LM main
Adding Applications to the Menu
Laptop Manager 4-13