
Press the key corresponding to the boxed character in the
prompt to begin the sort function.
LFM then sorts and
displays the files in the current directory listing (and all
other directories
LFM displays) according to the attribute
you select from one of the following.
Name Press N and LFM sorts all files in alphabetic
order. If any filenames begin with
nonalphabetic characters, they are displayed
before the alphabetic names.
Extension Press E and LFM sorts all files by filename
extension in alphabetic order. Filenames with
no extension are listed first.
Date/time Press D and LFM sorts all files by most recent
time and date.
Size Press S and LFM sorts all files by number of
bytes used, displayingthe largest first.
F8 DOS (Disk Operating System) Key
Pressing F8 at the LFM main menu causes LFM to prompt at
the bottom of the screen
Execute a DOS (S)hell or (C)ommand:
If you want to execute an MS-DOS shell, press S. LFM
displays the C:\> prompt where you can type your
shell pathname and press ENTER to execute.
Note: When you finish using the shell, at the MS-DOS
prompt type EXIT and press ENTER.
Function Key Commands
7-10 Laptop File Manager