
device driver — The small programs used to control
external devices or to run other programs. A device driver
directs production, manipulation, and presentation of
appropriate signals by the computer so that the external
device will perform as required.
diagnostics programs — The programs that test the
components of your computer to verify proper operation or
to diagnose problems.
directory — The list of all files, which itself is a file, on your
computer storage medium for easy reference.
disk controller — A device that controls how information is
transferred between the system unit and the hard disk or
disk drive — A device that rotates magnetic media and
accesses data by means of a read/write head.
diskette — See floppy.
DOS — The disk operating system, programs that act as
translator between you and your computer; also see
operating system.
expanded memory — The memory that utilizes an area of
the computer memory as a window, through which pages of
data are “passed.”
expansion bus connector — A coupling device that
connects an external device to your computer.
extended memory — The internal
RAM above the 1,024 KB
of conventional memory.
Glossary 7