
computer — A combination of a central processing unit
CPU) and memory designed to process information.
Although a combination of the central processing unit and
memory is defined as a computer, an input device (such as
a keyboard) and an output device (such as a display unit)
are required to make the computer useful.
configure — To adapt software so that it sends the correct
control codes to external devices such as printers. Also
called customize and set up.
connector — A coupling device that allows your computer
to communicate with an external hardware device such as
a printer or another computer.
contrast control — A control that allows you to adjust how
data shows up against the background of the display
control code — A code that initiates some kind of physical
control action that is not printed (such as line feed and
tab), turns off an external device, or, in combination with
other characters, defines unique commands (for example,
pressing the Ctrl and C keys might tell the computer to
abort a program); a numeric value that instructs the
computer or an external device to perform a specific
controller — The electronic circuitry that allows
communication between the computer unit and an external
conventional memory — Internal
RAM up to 640 KB,
accessed by
MS-DOS directly; also called main memory and
coprocessor — An auxiliary processing unit designed to
speed up the processing of certain types of information.
Glossary 5