Multiple File Operat ions
You can perform the same character key command on two
or more directories or files by using the Tag command,
Include command, or Exclude command to choose the
names and then activating the command. The following
commands operate on more than one file:
❑ Attribute command
❑ Copy command—be careful with your pathname; do
not supply a filename when copying multiple files;
make use of
MS-DOS wildcard characters * and ? (see
the MS-DOS User’s Guide and Reference). A Select each
option enables you to choose to copy each file or
directory and to Replace or Append the file.
❑ Delete command—be cautious using the Delete
command with multiple files; examine the tagged
names carefully before answering the final “Are you
sure?” prompt
❑ Print command—places selected files in the print
queue in the order displayed at the main menu from
top to bottom
❑ Update command
❑ Rename command—you can use the Rename
command to move more than one selected file to
another directory: in the pathname, type only a
directory name, and use
MS-DOS * and ? wildcard
Refer to the individual descriptions of these commands
earlier in this chapter and, where the directions refer to one
file, assume that the directions affect all tagged files and
Multiple File Operations
7-28 Laptop File Manager