Later Date Pressing L at the Exclude prompt displays the
same File Date prompt as the Earlier Date
prompt described above, and works the same
LFM excludes all files after the date you
Select All Press S (or the ENTER key) at the Exclude
prompt to exclude (and untag) all files in the
directory. This option is particularly useful if
you first select all files and then use the
Exclude command to remove certain files from
the included list.
Ignore Press I at the Exclude prompt if you do not
want to use any of its options to select files.
LFM then prompts at the bottom of the screen
File pattern: [ *.* ]
At this prompt you can type file patterns for
LFM to use to exclude certain files. For
example, the filename pattern *
.TXT excludes
all files with that extension from the tagged
Find Command
The Find command helps you find files on the current
(displayed) directory, according to their filename/extension
pattern. Pressing F at the main menu causes
LFM to
prompt at the bottom of the screen
Find file: find the [F]irst or [N]ext:
If you select the [F]irst option by pressing F,
LFM looks for
the first occurrence of the filename pattern starting at the
beginning of the directory.
Character Key Commands
Laptop File Manager 7-21