
@echo off
rem version 1.0
25rem ========================
rem check the battery status
rem ========================
getstat /b
if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto yes_batt
echo The unit is currently powered by external power source
goto chk_video
echo the unit is currently powered by the battery
rem ==============================
rem check the video display status
rem ==============================
getstat /v
if ERRORLEVEL 2 goto yes_sim
if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto yes_mon
echo the video is currently on the LCD
goto chk crt
echo the video is currently on the external monitor
goto chk crt
echo the video is currently on SimulSCAN
rem =============================
rem check the presence of monitor
rem =============================
getstat /m
if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto yes_crt
echo An external monitor is not conected to the system
goto exit_all
echo An external monitor is connected to the system
Other Utilities 9-5