
The Add Profile page appears with all fields completed. See Table 12 for a
description of each field.
3 Rename the profile and change other field values as required.
4 Click Save.
The Phone Profiles page appears and the new phone profile is listed.
Phone profiles are a new feature in VCX v7.1. In previous versions of VCX
software, phone attributes (such as dial plan, ring tones, voicemail
number) are configured for each phone extension. If you have upgraded
your VCX system to v7.1 from a previous version, you should be aware of
the upgrade implications described in this section.
Phone Settings
The VCX v7.1 upgrade procedure creates one or more phone profiles
based on data configured for phones in the VCX v7.0 system, and assigns
each phone to the appropriate phone profile. Note the upgrade
implications for the following phone configuration settings:
Registration Interval — This setting specifies how often a registration
message is sent to the VCX server to see if it is active and to check for
updates to the phone configuration. The VCX v7.1 upgrade procedure
resets this parameter to the default value, 3600 seconds (one hour).
If you want a phone to use a different registration interval, follow
these steps:
a Clone the phone profile currently assigned to the phone (see Cloning
a Phone Profile).
b Change the value for the Registration Interval parameter.
c Assign the cloned profile to the phone (see Modifying a Phone
Date Time Display Format, Local Time Zone, various Ring Tones, Call
Fallback — The values for these settings are retained for individual
phones after the upgrade (on the User Phone Settings page; see
Figure 34
in Modifying a User’s Phone Settings). However, these same
settings are also configured in the phone profile to which a phone is
assigned (see Figure 24
in Creating a Phone Profile). If the phone
profile is modified and reapplied, the profile values will override the
settings configured on the User Phone Settings page.