26 Pelco Manual C1487M-D (7/99)
Program preset 97 (30) to start random scanning. Program preset 98 (31) to activate frame
scanning (three seconds of scanning followed by a three-second pause). Program preset
99 (32) to start auto (continuous) scanning.
Scan limit stops are controlled by software. Refer to the
Limit Stops
section to program the
scan limit stops.
When the dome reaches a scan limit stop, it will immediately reverse direction.
Program preset 96 (29) to stop a scan. Any pan/tilt or lens command also will stop a scan.
(This section applies to Spectra II™ only.)
The Spectra II™ dome is capable of eight zones, each with a 20-character label. Depend-
ing on the controller, you can define the zone size and define any zone as “blanked” for
video when the camera pans into the zone area. If zone labels are turned off, the system
displays the message VIDEO BLANK to indicate the video is being blanked and is not
failing. (Refer to the
Zone Blank
section for instructions.) For other information on program-
ming zones, refer to the documentation for your control system.
(This section applies to Spectra II™ only.)
The Spectra II™ dome can do either one full pattern (1.5, 3, or 6 minutes long) or two half
patterns (.75, 1.5, or 3 minutes long). This pattern can consist of any standard pan and tilt
or lens command. Presets, flip, and turbo are not allowed in a pattern. Zone scan can be
enabled while running a pattern.
Refer to the documentation for your control system to program and run patterns.
(This section applies to Spectra II™ only.)
The Spectra II™ dome has seven alarm inputs, which can be designated as either high or
low priority through its programming menu. When an alarm is received, the dome does one
of the following:
• Moves to the preset position that corresponds to the alarm number. For example, if
alarm 3 is activated, the dome moves to preset 3.
• Runs a half pattern or full pattern as programmed in the Alarm Pattern submenu.
If any of presets 1-7 are not used for alarms, they can be used as regular presets.
However, if they are being used for alarms, they should not be used for anything else.
If an alarm input is programmed to run a pattern, the corresponding preset can be used as
a regular preset. For example, if alarm 3 is programmed to run a pattern, preset 3 can be
used as a regular preset.
There is no indication at the controller that an alarm has been received, other than the view
displayed on the monitor.
The high priority setting (if set on the programming menu) is significant when more than
one alarm is activated. If priority in alarms is not required, leave all alarms in the low setting.
• If the activated alarm inputs have the same priority–all low or all high–then the
dome will sequence between the presets that correspond to the alarm numbers.
• If the activated alarm inputs have different priorities–for example, one is high and
four are low–the dome goes only to the high. It remains fixed on the high and only
goes to the low after the high has been cleared.
Changing the length
erases all stored patterns.