2 Moderate aerobic activity (e.g. recreational volleyball, moderate speed
1 Light aerobic activity (e.g. normal walking, golfing).
11C) Enter Time Value. Press ENTER.
TIME 4 Over 30 minutes
3 20 - 30 minutes
2 10 - 20 minutes
1 Under 10 minutes
12) Place Light Wand firmly on biceps of the dominant arm (see page 11 for locating exact estimation point).
IT IS IMPORTANT TO: Aim the silver stripe of the Light Wand directly toward the shoulder. Keep the arm relaxed
(do not permit the subject to flex his/her muscles). A relaxed biceps can be achieved by having the subject
seated while resting his arm (elbow bent) on a table.
Use the Light Shield to block the external light. Always avoid measurements under strong
lights (e.g. direct sunlight) because errors may occur.