Bayer HealthCare Breeze 2 Blood Glucose Meter User Manual

TeChnICal InformaTIon
specIfIcAtIons 38
perforMAnce evALuAtIons 38
solvIng Problems
soLvIng probLeMs 39
troubLeshootIng And error codes 40
custoMer servIce 45
repLAceMent IteMs 46
WArrAntY InforMAtIon 47
The Ascensia
Blood Glucose Monitoring System (meter, test
strips and controls) is intended for self-testing by persons with diabetes
and by healthcare professionals, to monitor the level of glucose in whole
blood. The BREEZE System is specific for glucose and has been
referenced to plasma/serum glucose.
Bayer Customer Service: 1-800-348-8100
Table of ConTenTs