56 Additional Safety Features
SRS System
The inflatable airbag is folded into the cen-
ter of the steering wheel. It inflates in the
event of a serious collision above a certain
level, where the angle of impact, crash
severity, speed and nature of the object in-
volved in the collision all play a part in
whether or not the airbag is activated.
The system consists of a gas generator sur-
rounded by the inflatable airbag. In the
event of a sufficiently violent collision, a
control unit activates the gas generator ig-
nitor and the airbag inflates and heats up at
the same time. To cushion the impact, the
airbag deflates when compressed. This also
releases some non-toxic smoke into the
cab. The entire sequence, from inflation to
deflation of the airbag, takes a few tenths
of a second.
Never attempt to drive with a deployed
airbag. With the bag hanging out of the
hub of the steering wheel, the truck may
be more difficult to steer. In addition,
other safety systems may be damaged.
Continuous exposure to the smoke and
dust created during the deployment of
the airbag can cause irritation to the skin
and eyes.