Graphic Display 119
Telltale + Text
The yellow INFO telltale lights up and
information text together with a value is
shown on the display. The text contains in-
formation on where the fault has occurred
and the value will show how much above or
below the limit the current conditions are:
Transmission Oil Temperature
If the transmission oil temperature becomes
too high, the
INFO telltale lights up
automatically with the text HIGH. This tell-
tale and text will come on when the oil
temperature has been 210
F (100 C) or
above for 30 minutes or 250
F (120
C) or
above for 10 minutes.
NOTE! If the temperature goes over 285
C), a STOP message will be gener-
ated; see page 123.
225 F
The voltmeter value, including the text
TOO HIGH, is automatically shown if the
charging system voltage becomes too high.
T3008832 TOO HIGH
17 V