
290 Index
Engine Serial Number Location,
Volvo Engine . ........18
Engine Shut-Down System . . 211
Engine Start and Operation . . 197
Engine Start Procedure .... 197
Engine Stopping ....... 200
Entering Behind Cab ......24
Entering the Cab ........23
Ether Start . . . ....... 204
Exhaust Brake . ....... 101
Fastening Safety Belt ......48
Fifth Wheel Instructions .... 264
Fifth Wheel Lock Telltale . . . . 80
Fifth Wheel Slider ...... 267
Fifth Wheel Slider Operation . 280
Fifth Wheel Unlocking .... 268
Fifth Wheel, General ..... 264
Fog light Switch ........99
Foot Brake . . ....... 226
Frame Alterations ....... 7
Fuel Economy Driving .... 190
Fuel Level Gauge .......84
Fuel Tank Caps ....... 220
Fueling ........... 221
Gauge, Air Suspension Pressure . 84
Gauge, Brake Application Pressure 84
Gauge, Brake System Air Pressure 85
Gauge, Coolant Temperature . . . 69
Gauge, Drive Axle Oil Temperature83
Gauge, Fuel Level .......84
Gauge, Oil Pressure ......70
Gauge, Pyrometer .......68
Gauge, Turbo Boost Pressure . . 71
General Information ...... 1
Graphic Display ....... 108
Graphic Display Controls . . . 109
Graphic Display Overview . . 108
Graphic Display Telltales . . . 111
Headlight Switch ........98
Heated Mirror Switch ..... 103
Heating and Air Conditioning . 168
Hi Beam Telltale . .......81
Hi/Lo Beam Switch ......91
High Altitude Operation .... 217
Hood Opening . . .......26
Horns ............ 107
Idle Adjustment . ...... 214
Idle Shutdown . . ...... 215
Idling ............ 213
Ignition Switch . . ...... 201
INFO Telltale . . .......73
Info Telltale . . . ...... 113
Information and Stop Messages 112
Inspecting Safety Belts .....49
Instrument Cluster, Left Overview 68
Instrument Light Dimmer . . . 107
Instruments and Controls . . . . 64
Instruments, Overview .....64
Interior lights . . ...... 184
Jake-Brake . . . ...... 101
Jump Start .......... 247
Jump Starting Engine ..... 248
Lights, Daytime Running . . . . 98
Main Instrument, Overview . . . 76
Marker Interrupt Switch .... 100
Master Warning Telltale .....78
Mirror Defrost Telltale .....82
National Standard Seat .... 181
No Charge Telltale .......75
Noise Emissions . .......13
Odometer ...........77
Oil Pressure Gauge .......70
Overload ........... 5
Owner Information, General . . . 1
Owner’s Information Package . . 2