8 General Information
Exhaust and Noise Emissions
The Federal Clean Air Act, Section 203 (a)
(3), states the following concerning the re-
moval of air pollution control devices or
modification of a certified engine to a non-
certified configuration:
“The following acts and the causing thereof
are prohibited:
(3) For any person to remove or render in-
operative any device or element of design
installed on or in a motor vehicle or motor
vehicle engine in compliance with regula-
tions under this part prior to its sale and
delivery to the ultimate purchaser, or for
any manufacturer or dealer knowingly to
remove or render inoperative any such de-
sign after sale and delivery to the ultimate
Specifically, please note that no person may
make such changes prior to the sale and
delivery of the vehicle to the ultimate pur-
chaser, and, in addition, no manufacturer or
dealer may take such action after sale and
delivery of the vehicle to the ultimate pur-
chaser. The law provides a penalty of up to
$10, 000 for each violation.
The same conditions that apply in the USA
apply to Canada, with one exception. After
the vehicle is sold to a retail customer, that
is, the end user, the jurisdiction controlling
the emission control devices becomes the
province in which the vehicle is licensed.
No changes should be made that render any
or all of the devices inoperative.
Should the owner/operator wish to make
any changes to the emission control de-
vices, check with the provincial authority
before making any such changes.
The same conditions that apply in the USA
apply to Mexico. Refer to the Mexican
Federal Law for Emission Control which
adheres to EPA regulations. No changes
should be made that render any or all of
the emissions control devices inoperative.
Should the owner/operator wish to make
any changes to the emission control de-
vices, check with the state authority before
making any such changes.