Engine Start and Operation 211
Engine Shut-Down System
Failure to take the necessary precautions
when the
INFO or STOP telltales
are on, can ultimately result in automatic
engine shut-down and the loss of power
steering. Vehicle crash can occur.
The engine shut-down system will automat-
ically derate or stop the engine when one
or more of the systems listed below reaches
a critical stage:
High Coolant Temperature
Low Oil Pressure
Low Coolant Level
Derate and shut-down functions may be ap-
plied differently, or added to, depending on
the engine manufacturer. See the engine op-
erator’s manual for more information.
When the shut-down is activated, the
telltales come on and the buzzer is also ac-
tivated. From that time it will take 30
seconds before the engine shuts down. In
this time period, find a safe place to pull
off of the road.
After the engine has been shut down by the
system, the override will allow a restart of
the engine for a period of 30 seconds. This
is so that the vehicle may be pulled off of
the road, if necessary. The alarm will re-
main activated until repairs have been made
to correct the problem.
The operator should not continually
override the system as this can cause se-
rious damage to the vehicle’s engine.