Electrical System 249
Electronic Components
Electronic circuits and components are
designed to sense voltage differences
smaller than 1 volt. While static electric-
ity is not normally dangerous to humans,
it can seriously damage electronic cir-
cuits and components. Circuit boards
mounted in the instrument cluster may
not fail immediately after being hit with
a static discharge. Rather, they may work
for a while and then fail for no apparent
reason. Therefore, always work with
proper grounding straps and antistatic
mats around electronic components.
Welding on the vehicle can damage the
electrical system or components due to
the high voltage and current spikes that
normally occur when welding. It is
preferable to avoid welding on an as-
sembled vehicle. However, if any
structure on or in contact with the
vehicle must be welded, follow the rec-
ommendations below.