
20221032B 161
7.1 Control unit
Under normal use, the AP50 Control Unit will require little
maintenance. The case is made from seawater resistant
aluminum and it has a polyester coating to withstand the
rigorous conditions of an exposed cockpit. It is recommended
that units kept clean of salt, since salt will corrode metal over
If the unit requires any form of cleaning, use fresh water and a
mild soap solution (not a detergent). It is important to avoid
using chemical cleaners and hydrocarbons such as diesel, petrol
Make sure that all open RobNet connectors are fitted with a
protection cap at all times.
It is advisable at the start of each season to check all connections
to the control unit head and to cover them with Vaseline or
WD40 as needed.
7.2 Junction Unit
No special maintenance is required. However, it is advisable, to
make a yearly check of all connections and visually inspect the
inside of the unit.
7.3 Rudder Feedback
Make a visual inspection at 2 to 3 month intervals and at the
start of each season. Apply grease to the ball joints when
7.4 Compass (RC25/RFC35R)
If the compass is exposed to outdor conditions, make a visual
inspection at 2 to 3 months intervals and at the start of each
7.5 Drive unit
Refer to the drive unit manual for maintenance instructions.