Simrad AP50 Autopilot
150 20221032B
Drive engage
This determines the use of the J50 Drive Engage port. The port
voltage is the same as the selected Drive Unit voltage. Drive
engage has the following different settings:
This port will activate (go high), in all modes except for
STANDBY and DODGE hand-steering.
It is typically used to engage a bypass valve for a hydraulic
linear drive. It may be used to start a hydraulic pump when
entering Follow-up, Non-Follow-up, AUTO and NAV. modes.
The port will activate (go high) in AUTO and NAV modes.
"Auto On" is typically used to switch the pump speed when
different rudder speeds are needed in automatic and Follow-
up/Non-Follow-up steering. The switch is normally off.
Handshake 1:
This setting is specially made for interfacing with KaMeWa's
CanMan standardized system but can also be used for similar
installations. Manual steering is performed from a joystick. On
top of the joystick, there is an override button for manual
takeover from the autopilot. The Drive Engage and Remote port
(regardless which one) of J50 is used as handshake signals
between autopilot and manual steering system as follows:
If AUTO, NAV or FU is selected, the Drive Engage port will go
high causing the autopilot to take control. When STBY is
pushed on the autopilot, Drive Engage will go low and the
manual steering system will take control. If the override button
is activated in AUTO or NAV, the pilot will go into STBY but
Drive Engage remains high, and the boat can be steered
manually by the joystick. When the override button is released,
the autopilot will take control again under new current heading
(AUTO) or ongoing track (NAV). Pushing the override button
in FU-mode will be identical to pushing the STBY button, i.e.
Drive Engage goes low and pilot remains in STBY.
NFU and Dodge from autopilot will not be possible when
Handshake 1 is set.