Simrad AP50 Autopilot
12 20221032B
While the AP50 may be installed on vessels not needing to
comply with the Marine Equipment Directive, those requiring
compliance must have one AP50 Control Unit set-up as a
“master unit” in order for the installation to be approved. Simrad
has no responsibility for the incorrect installation or use of the
AP50 autopilot, so it is essential for the person in charge of the
installation to be familiar with the relevant requirements as well
as with the contents of this manual, which covers correct
installation and use.
The purpose of the Marine Equipment Directive is to enhance
safety at sea and to prevent marine pollution through the
uniform application of the relevant international instruments
relating to equipment listed in Annex A1.
As there are many interfacing requirements in the
standards/codes, integrated systems and integrated certification
lead to more efficient and effective management of safety,
environmental, issues and quality.
The Marine Equipment Directive also constitutes a part of the
International Safety Management (ISM) Code. The ISM Code
was included as a new chapter (IX) of SOLAS in 1994, and is
mandatory for: passenger ships not later than 1
of July, 1998;
oil tankers; chemical tankers; gas carriers; bulk carriers and
cargo high speed craft of 500 gross tonnage and upwards not
later than 1
of July, 1998; and other cargo ships and mobile
offshore drilling units of 500 gross tonnage and upwards not
later than 1
of July, 2002.
It is required that both the shipping company and ships shall be
certified by the Administration (the government of the state
whose flag the ship is entitled to fly), by an organization
recognized by the Administration or by the government of the
country acting on behalf of the Administration.
1.2 How to Use This Manual
This manual is intended as a reference guide for installing,
operating and maintaining the Simrad AP50 autopilot. Great
care has been taken to simplify the set-up and operation and of
the AP50; however, an autopilot is a complex electronic system.
It is affected by sea conditions, speed of the vessel, and vessel
hull shape and size.
Please take the time to read this manual to get a thorough
understanding of the Simrad AP50 autopilot’s system
components and operation, as well as their relationship to a
complete AP50 autopilot system.