Advanced Settings
20221032B 155
Default: 0 seconds.
Init NAV
Sets a firm or soft approach to the rhumb line when entering the
NAV mode at the first leg. The approach angle is dependant
(adaptive) on the distance (XTE) from the rhumb line and the
boat speed.
Range: Soft - Firm
Default: Firm
Turn Gain
Turn gain determines the initial rudder command when turning
in AUTO and NAV modes.
Increase this value if the amount of rudder is too small when
starting a turn.
Range: 1-320
Default value is set according to Boat length and Set rate of
turn in the Installation Seatrial Menu.
W Turn Gain
W Turn gain determines the initial rudder command when
turning in WORK modes.
Increase this value if the amount of rudder is too small when
starting a turn.
Range: 1-320
Default value is set according to Boat length and Set Rate of
Turn in the Installation Seatrial Menu.
Rate Sensitivity
This parameter determines how sensitive the Rate of turn
calculation is for changes in the heading signal. The default
setting will fit most vessels. For vessels that can turn quickly
and have a stable heading compass (high performance compass),
the setting should be reduced if the vessel tends to overshoot,
even with a high setting of counter rudder. For a slowly turning
vessel with noisy compass and unstable Rate of turn, the value
could be increased.
Range: 5 - 25.
Default: 15.