Software Set-up Procedure
20221032B 125
Set Rudder Zero
Set rudder zero
Rudder limit 10°
Thruster ----
This setting is only shown when analog rudder is used for
steering. No value is shown before you start turning the course
knob. When activated, the AD50 will take control over the
rudder. Adjust the rudder to mid-position.
Rudder Limit
Rudder test Done
Solenoid drive
Clutch NOT installed
Rudder limit 10°
Rudder deadband 0.2°
Thruster ----
Rudder Limit determines the maximum rudder movement in
degrees from the “used” midship position that the autopilot can
command the rudder in the automatic modes.
“Used” midship position is the rudder angle required to maintain
a straight course.
The Rudder limit setting is only active during autosteering on
straight courses, NOT during course changes. This Rudder limit
does not affect WORK, Non-Follow-up or Follow Up steering.
In WORK, Non-Follow-up or Follow Up steering, only the max.
rudder limit applies.
Note ! The max. rudder limit was set automatically to physical stop
minus 2° when the rudder feedback calibration was performed.
Range: 5° to max. rudder limit in 1° steps.
Default: 10°
Proceed to the next menu item by pressing the (STBD)
Rudder Deadband
(Not applicable for analog drives)
Rudder test Done
Solenoid drive
Clutch NOT installed
Rudder limit 10°
Rudder deadband 0.2°
Thruster ----
Necessary deadband to avoid the rudder from hunting is
calculated and set automatically during the rudder test. Therefore
this parameter should normally not be adjusted. If the auto-
setting does not perform properly (rudder commands due to
vibration of the rudder when under way), it can be adjusted
manually. A narrow deadband may cause the rudder to hunt and
a wide deadband will create inaccurate steering.
Adjust the Rudder deadband by rotating the course knob. Find
the lowest possible value that will prevent the rudder from
hunting. It is recommended to check rudder stability and
accuracy in FU-mode.
Range: Auto, 0.1° to 4.0° in 0.1° increments.
Default: Auto.
Proceed to the next menu item by pressing the