
Simrad AP50 Autopilot
144 20221032B
If a Non-Follow Up lever (or handheld remote) is connected,
test change of modes and verify port and starboard steering
commands of the lever.
Set waypoints into each navigator connected to the system,
and verify that the AP50 steers in NAV mode for each Nav.
Provide user training.
5.4 Providing User Training
The user should be instructed in the "basic" operational
functions, such as:
Turning the system on and off.
Changing modes. Explain briefly what takes place in the
different modes.
Regaining manual control from any mode. Point out in what
modes the helm is engaged by the autopilot.
Taking command at an "inactive" station, if applicable.
Using the lock mode, how to lock/unlock, and how to shut
the system down from a locked control unit, if applicable.
Use of the Non-Follow-up and Follow-up steering modes and
learning the difference between the two.
Use of a Non-Follow-up and Follow-up controller, if
Changing course by rotary knob and buttons.
Moving through the User Set-up Menu in STANDBY,
AUTO, NAV, and WORK modes learning how to (and why
to) change the settings.
Knowing the difference between normal parameters and
WORK parameters also including Nav. source and Compass
sensor selection, if applicable.
Locating any compasses and knowing to keep all magnetic
items away.
Locating the Mains circuit breaker.
Knowing the different uses of thruster (Follow-up, Non-
Follow-up, and WORK modes).