Bezpe‹nostn’ a jin‡ upozornžn’
Notices and Safety Instructions
Notices regarding video head cleaning
- To ensure normal recording and a clear picture, clean the video heads.
If square block-shaped noise distorts playback pictures, or if only a blue
screen is displayed during playback, the video heads may be dirty.
If this happens, clean the video heads with the dry type cleaning
- Do not use a wet type cleaning cassette. It may damage the video
Notices regarding vibration of the speaker in playback
- Speaker sound is muted when the LCD monitor is turned off.
- Turn the speaker volume down if speaker vibration causes an unstable
image during playback.
Upozornžn’ tùkaj’c’ se ‹iätžn’ video hlav
- Aby bylo nahr‡v‡n’ kvalitn’ a obraz ‹istù, vy‹istžte video hlavy.
Jestliìe je obraz zkreslenù a ruäen nebo se bžhem pÞehr‡v‡n’
zobraz’ pouze modr‡ obrazovka, video hlavy mohou bùt zne‹iätžnŽ.
Jestliìe se toto stane, vy‹istžte video hlavy pomoc’ suchŽ ‹ist’c’
- Nepouì’vejte mokrù typ ‹ist’c’ kazety, mohlo by doj’t k poäkozen’
video hlav.
Upozornžn’ tùkaj’c’ se vibrac’ reproduktoru pÞi pÞehr‡v‡n’
- Zvuk z reproduktoru je vypnut, jestliìe je vypnut LCD monitor.
- Jestliìe vibrace zpósobuje nestabiln’ dojem bžhem pÞehr‡v‡n’,
sniìte hlasitost.