Techniky z‡znamu
Advanced Recording
Various Recording Techniques
- In some situations different recording techniques may be required for
more dramatic results.
Reference Please rotate the LCD screen carefully.
Unintended rotation may cause damage to the inside of
the hinge that co nnects the LCD screen to the Camcorder.
1. General recording.
Making a recording by looking at the LCD screen
from the top.
2. Downward recording.
Making a recording by looking at the LCD screen
from the bottom.
3. Upward recording.
Making a recording by looking at the LCD screen from
the front.
Reference When the LCD screen faces front,
indications are turned off.
4. Self record
In circumstances where it is difficult to use the LCD
monitor, the viewfinder can be used as a convenient
5. Recording with Viewfinder.
RóznŽ techniky nahr‡v‡n’
Ð V nžkterùch pÞ’padech pro lepä’ filmovŽ vùsledky mohou bùt
poìadov‡ny róznŽ nahr‡vac’ techniky.
Pozn‡mka Ð LCD monitorem pros’m ot‡‹ejte velmi opatrnž.
ápatnŽ oto‹en’ móìe vŽst k poäkozen’ pantó,
kterŽ pÞipojuj’ LCD k videokameÞe.
1. ObecnŽ nat‡‹en’
2. Nat‡‹en’ smžrem doló
Nat‡‹en’ s pohledem do LCD monitoru shora.
3. Nat‡‹en’ smžrem vzhóru
Nat‡‹en’ s pohledem do LCD monitoru zdola.
4. Nat‡‹en’ sebe sama
Nat‡‹en’ s pohledem na LCD monitor zepÞedu.
Pozn‡mka jestliìe LCD monitor je oto‹en
smžrem dopÞedu, indikace se vypnou.
5. Nat‡‹en’ s pomoc’ hled‡‹ku
V situaci, kdy je tžìkŽ pouì’t LCD monitor, móìe
bùt pouìit’ hled‡‹ku vhodnou alternativou.