Cleaning and Maintaining the Camcorder
Releasing the Eyecup
1. Pull the VIEWFINDER up and then turn two screws
2. Pull EYECUP out.
3. Clean the EYECUP and the VIEWFINDER screen
with a soft cloth and cotton swab or a blower.
Reattaching the Eyecup
4. Put the EYECUP on the VIEWFINDER.
5. Put screws back on.
Cleaning the viewfinder
Cleaning the Video Heads
To ensure normal recording and clear pictures, clean
the video heads when the playback pictures display
square block-shaped noise or only the blue screen
appears during playback, as the video heads may be
1. Set the power switch to PLAYER mode.
2. Insert the cleaning tape.
3. Press the (PLAY) button.
4. Press the (STOP) button after 10 seconds.
Reference - Check the quality of the picture using a video cas-
sette. If it is still bad, repeat the operation. If the
problem continues, contact your local authorized
service center.
- Clean the video heads with the dried type cassette
‰iätžn’ a œdrìba videokamery
‰iätžn’ hled‡‹ku
• Demont‡ì o‹nice hled‡‹ku
1. Zvednžte hled‡‹ek a potom j’m oto‹te proti smžru
hodinovùch ru‹i‹ek.
2. Sejmžte o‹nici hled‡‹ku.
3. Vy‹istžte o‹nici a matnici hled‡‹ku jemnùm
hadÞ’kem, ätžte‹kem nebo vyfouk‡n’m.
• Zpžtn‡ mont‡ì o‹nice hled‡‹ku
4. PÞiloìte o‹nici na hled‡‹ek.
5. Naäroubujte ji zpžt.
‰iätžn’ video hlav
Abyste zajistili norm‡ln’ a ‹istù z‡znam, udrìujte video
hlavy v ‹istotž.
Jestliìe pÞehr‡vanù obraz vykazuje poruchy nebo se
bžhem pÞehr‡v‡n’ objev’ modr‡ obrazovka, video
hlavy mohou bùt zne‹iätžnŽ.
1. PÞepnžte videokameru do reìimu Player.
2. Vloìte ‹ist’c’ kazetu.
3. Stisknžte tla‹’tko (PLAY).
4. Po 10 sekund‡ch stisknžte tla‹’tko (STOP).
Pozn‡mka Ð Zkontrolujte kvalitu pÞehr‡vanŽho obrazu pouìit’m
videokazety. Jestliìe je obraz st‡le äpatnù, celù
postup opakujte. Jestliìe problŽm i nad‡le trv‡,
obraéte se na autorizovanù servis.
Ð Video hlavy ‹istžte pomoc’ ‹ist’c’ videokazety
suchŽho typu.