
Na za‹‡tku se pÞesvžd‹ete, ìe jsou splnžny n‡sleduj’c’ podm’nky.
Je pÞipojen zdroj energie (Akumul‡tor nebo kabel s’éovŽho adaptŽru)?
Je nastaven reìim Camera?
Je vloìena kazeta?
OtevÞete LCD monitor a pÞesvžd‹ete se, ìe je zobrazena indikace
STBY (pokud je na kazetž chr‡nžn z‡pis, zobraz’ se STOP).
Jestliìe chcete sledovat obraz v hled‡‹ku, zavÞete LCD monitor.
Je sejmutù kryt objektivu?
PÞesvžd‹ete se, ìe poìadovanù z‡bžr je na LCD monitoru nebo v
Zkontrolujte na indikaci stavu akumul‡toru dostatek
energie k z‡znamu .
Ð Stiskem tla‹’tka START/STOP zah‡j’te
nahr‡v‡n’. Nahr‡v‡n’ za‹ne a na monitoru se
objev’ REC.
Ð Nat‡‹en’ zastav’te opžtovnùm stiskem tla‹’tko
START/STOP. Nat‡‹en’ skon‹’ a na monitoru
se objev’ STBY.
Jestliìe je do videokamery vloìena kazeta a je indikov‡n reìim STBY,
pak po 3 minut‡ch nepouì’v‡n’, se videokamera automatickù vypne.
OpžtovnŽ pouìit’ zvol’te pomoc’ tla‹’tka START/STOP nebo pÞepnut’m
pÞep’na‹e do polohy OFF a zpžt do polohy Camera. Tato funkce chr‡n’
baterii pÞed neœ‹elnùm vybit’m.
Funkce Edit Search (Najdi z‡znam)
Ð Pomoc’ tla‹’tek EDIT + (smžrem vpÞed),
Ð (smžrem vzad) si v reìimu STBY móìete
prohlŽdnout nahranù z‡znam.
Ð Jestliìe v reìime STBY kr‡tce stisknete tla‹’tko
EDIT, videokamera pÞehraje zpžtnž 3 sekundy
z‡znamu a automatickù se vr‡t’ do póvodn’ polohy.
Z‡klady z‡znamu
Basic Recording
Make sure that you make these preparations.
Did you connect a power source? (Battery Pack or DC cable)
Did you set the Power switch to the CAMERA position?
Did you insert a cassette?
Open the LCD monitor and make sure that STBY is displayed in the
OSD. (If the protection tab of the cassette is opened, STOP will be
If you want to see the image in the Viewfinder, close the LCD monitor.
Did you open the LENS CAP?
Make sure the image you want to shoot appears in the LCD monitor or
Make sure the battery level indicates that there is
enough remaining power for recording.
- To start recording, press the START/STOP button.
Recording starts and REC is displayed on the LCD.
- To stop recording, press the START/STOP
button again.
Recording stops and STBY is displayed on the LCD.
Making the First Recording
- You can view a recorded scene with the EDIT +, –
function in STBY mode. EDIT – enables you to
reverse and EDIT + enables you to forward, for as
long as you keep pressing.
- If you press the the EDIT – button quickly in STBY
mode, your camcorder will play back in reverse for
3 seconds and return to the original position automatically.
Edit Search
When a cassette is loaded and the camcorder is left in the STBY mode
for over 3 minutes without being used, it will switch off automatically.
To use it again, push the START/STOP button or set the Power switch
to OFF and then back to CAMERA. This Auto Power off feature is
designed to save battery power.
V‡ä prvn’ videoz‡znam