
- Ujistžte se, ìe baterie jsou dobity pÞed nahr‡v‡n’m
- Abyste zachovali baterie nabitŽ, videokameru
vypnžte, jestliìe ji nepouì’v‡te.
- Je-li videokamera v reìimu CAMERA a je ponech‡-
na v pohotovostn’m (STBY) reìimu po dobu delä’
neì 3 minuty, aniì by se pouì’vala, automatickù se
vypne, aby nedoälo k vybit’ bateri’.
- Ujistžte se, ìe baterie jsou pevnž vloìeny.
Upadne-li baterie na zem, móìe doj’t k poäkozen’.
- NovŽ balen’ bateri’ nen’ nabito.
PÞed t’m, neì budete novŽ balen’ pouì’vat, kompletnž jej dobijte.
- Jestliìe nahr‡v‡te dlouhou dobu, je lepä’ pouì’vat hled‡‹ek m’sto
LCD, protoìe LCD spotÞebov‡v‡ v’ce energie.
* Jestliìe baterie doslouì’, pros’m kontaktujte vaäeho m’stn’ho
S bateriemi se mus’ zach‡zet jako s chemickym odpadem.
1. Tato videokamera je dod‡v‡na s instalovanou lithiovou bateri’.
2. Jestliìe videokameru vóbec nepouì’v‡te, baterie se kompletnž
vybije zhruba za 3 mžs’ce.
Pak se veäker‡ nastaven’, v‹etnž data a ‹asu,
vr‡t’ ke standardn’mu nastaven’.
- Lithiov‡ baterie je vìdy dob’jena tak dlouho, jak pouì’v‡te
3. Pro zachov‡n’ data a ‹asu baterii dob’jejte aì pÞi jej’m vybit’.
- PÞipojte videokameru k s’ti z a pouìit’ dod‡vanŽho AC adaptŽru a
ponechte ji zapnutou v reìimu PLAYER po dobu v’ce neì 24
Bezpe‹nostn’ a jin‡ upozornžn’
Notices and Safety Instructions
*When the battery reaches the end of its life, please contact your
local dealer.
The batteries have to be dealt with as chemical waste.
Notices regarding the battery pack
- Make sure that the battery pack is charged before
shooting outdoors.
- To preserve battery power, keep your camcorder
turned off when you are not operating it.
- When your camcorder is in CAMERA mode, if it is left
in STBY mode without operation for more than 3 minutes
with tape installed, it will automatically turn off to protect
against unnecessary battery discharge.
- Make sure that the battery pack is fitted firmly into place.
Dropping the battery pack may damage it.
- A brand new battery pack is not charged.
Before using the battery pack, charge it completely.
- It is a good idea to use the viewfinder instead of the LCD when shoot-
ing for a long time, because the LCD uses up more battery power.
Notices regarding charging the lithium battery in the camcorder
1. This camcorder is supplied with a lithium battery installed.
2. The battery will be completely discharged in about 3 months,
if you do not use the camcorder at all.
Then all the settings, including the date and time return to default.
- The lithium battery is always charged as long as you are using the
3. To retain the date and time, charge the battery if the battery is
- Connect the camcorder to the mains using the supplied AC power
adaptor, and leave the camcorder with the POWER switch set to
PLAYER for more than 24 hours.
Upozornžn’ tùkaj’c’ se bateri’
Upozornžn’ tùkaj’c’ se nab’jen’ lithiovŽ baterie ve videokameÞe