The number Of photo
files is fu!l.
Cannot take a photo.
Filenumber is full.
Cannot record video.
Filenumber is full.
Cannot take a photo.
Check the lens Cover
The number of photo files
that carl be stored is 9,999.
Folder and file number have
reached maximum number
and you carl not record.
Folder and file number have
reached maximum number
and you carl not record.
Lens cower is closed.
• Delete unnecessary files on the storage
• Back up files to your PC or another
storage media and delete files.
• Change with another card whieh has
enough free spaee.
- Set "File No." to "Reset" and format the
storage media.
- Set "File No." to "Reset" and format the
storage media.
- Open the bns cower.
lbtal file size is over
Select 2 files for
Cannot select
different resolution
Bead Error
Corrupted file
Not enough free
space in Intema!
Not enough free
space in Card
Tetal file size that can be
combined is limited to 1.8GB.
You cars not combine more
than 2 different videos into
The files you want to
combine have different
Some problems occurred
when reading data from the
storage media.
This file carl not be read.
File editing functions carl not
be performed because there
is not enough free spaee in
the internal memory.
File editing functions carl not
be performed because there
is not enough free spaee in
the memory card.
- Combined files must be less than 1.8GB.
- It is possible to combine up to 2 different
videos into one.
- It is not possible to combine the flies that
haw_ different resolutions.
Format the storage media using menus
after backing up important files to a PC or
another storage deviee.
Format the storage media using menus
after back up irrlportant Iiles to a PC or
another storage deviee.
Delete unnecessary files on the storage
Back up files to aPC or another storage
media and delete files.
Delete unnecessary files on the storage
Back up files to aPC or another storage
media and delete files.