Share your contents with the world, by uploading
photos and videos directly to a web site with one
1, Select the desired videos or photos to share.
2. Click "Share" on the browser.
• The selected file appears on the sharing
3, Click the web site you would like to upload
• You can choose "YouTube," "Fickr,"
"Facebook, "or the specified web site
you want to set for your uploading
4, Click "UpJoad" to start uploading.
A pop up window appears asking your ID
and the password.
5, Enter your ID and the password to access.
• Access to the web site contents can be
limited depending on your web access
For mere infermation about Intelli--studio use, see
the Help Guide by clicking "Help."
_,_ * Flickr is an image and videe hesting website, web services suite, and online cemmunity
_ platferm, In additien te being a pepular website fer users te share persenal phetegraphs,
th_ service iswidely used by bleggers as a phete repesitery,
_ _ ebeek is a glebal secial netwerking website that is eperated and privately ewned by
Facebeek Irlc. Users can add friends and send messages and update their persenal
.......:: _refiles te nefify friends abeut themselves. Additienally, users can ein netwerks
........... organized by city, werkplace, scheel, and regien,
® httP://www.faceboo k.com/
o YeuTube is a videe sharing website, Users can upload, view, and share persenalized
videe clips, The San Brune--based service uses Adebe Flash technelegy te display
a wide variety ef users-generated centents including videe clips, TV clips and music
videes, as well as amateur centents such as videe blegging and shert original videes.
o http://www.youtube.com/