Other Features
Dual Access
Dual Access means that even if the
machine is already carrying out a
task, you may be able to operate the
For instance, if your machine is cur-
rently receiving a long fax message,
but you want to send a message and
go back to your desk without having
to wait by the machine, you can place
your message in the feeder, select the
required transmission features , dial
the number, and press Start. Your
message will be scanned and stored
to memory while the machine is still
receiving. This means that you can
take your fax back to your desk before
it is actually sent. However, to be sure
whether your transmission was suc-
cessful or not, keep an eye open for
Error Reports (or check the Journal).
The following table shows which fea-
tures can operate simultaneously on
your machine.
• * : PC Interface Kit required
• ✓: Possible
• ×: Impossible
Job that you wish to carry out at the same time
123456789 101112Job Currently in
1. Storing to Mem-
✓✓✓✓ ✓
2. Printing from
××××××× × × ×
3. Copying
4. Printing an Au-
tomatic Report
××× ×× × × ×
5. Immediate
6. Memory Trans-
7. Receiving and
Printing a Fax
×× × × ×
8. Receiving a Fax
to Memory
9. Transmitting a
Service Report
×××× ×
10.PC Print*
11.PC Scan*
××××××××× ×
12.PC Fax*
×××××× × ×