a. Click the Source Port drop-down arrow and select the source port to associate with.
b. Click Audio if the selected source port is an audio connector, or Video if it is a video
connector. The default is Audio.
7. If you associate the ports at a random sequence in Step 6, do one of these:
• Click Apply to save the changes and the new association data is displayed in the table to
the right. Repeat Steps 1 to 7 if you want to add more source association data.
• Click OK to save the changes and quit the dialog.
• Click Close to abort the changes and quit the dialog.
Editing Source Association Data
You can change existing source association data when any setting is incorrect or if you have
made changes to the physical hardware configuration. For example, you may have moved the
audio/video output devices from one source port to another source port or to a different NV5128
1. Choose Router > Configure Servers. The Configure Servers dialog appears.
2. Click the row containing the source association settings that you want to change in the table.
The highlighted data’s settings are all displayed in the fields to the left.
Figure 31 Source Association Table
3. Change any field you want except for the UMT Name and Server fields, or click Reset to
Defaults to reset all source association settings based on identical port numbers.
4. Do one of these:
• Click Apply to save the changes, and then the changes are reflected in the table. Repeat
Steps 1 to 3 if you want to edit more source association settings.
• Click OK to save the changes and quit the dialog.
• Click Close to quit the dialog without saving the changes.
Removing Source Association Data
You can remove any invalid source association settings from the table.
1. Choose Router > Configure Servers. The Configure Servers dialog appears.
2. Click the row containing the source association settings that you want to remove from the
3. Click Delete.
4. A confirmation message appears. Click Yes to remove the source association data or No to
abort the removal.
5. Repeat Steps 1 to 3 if you want to remove more source association data.