Log Panel
Editing Event Log Settings
The Log panel located at the base of the Paragon Manager window displays events that occur in
your Paragon system(s). As the Administrator, you can record and configure standard events and
message filters, and set severity levels for events, color-coding them for easier identification.
1. Choose Setup > Log Setting. The Edit Log Setting dialog appears.
Figure 18 Edit Log Settings Dialog
2. Click the + and – signs to expand and collapse the event tree in this window. Entries in the
event tree are pre-determined events programmed into Paragon Manager.
3. Click the checkbox before a device to select and specify events for recording in the log
panel. Select an event for the device.
4. On the right side of the window, click the Set Severity Level drop-down arrow and select a
severity level – levels are color-coordinated: high severity is represented by a red icon,
medium severity is blue, and lowest severity is black. To restore the default levels for the
events, click Restore.
5. In the Log File Setting panel, the location for saved log files appears in the Select Log File
field. The default location is C:/Documents and Settings (username). To change this default
location, click Browse and locate the folder in which you want to store log files.
6. Click the Size (MB) drop-down arrow to select the file size limit (default limit is 4MB).
Once the log file hits the size limit set in this field, Paragon Manager automatically creates a
new log file and continues to store events.
7. Click OK to save the log settings, or click Cancel to close the dialog without saving any