Power Strip View Panel
The Power Strip View panel is a mobile display of Raritan Remote Power Control Strips
connected to your Paragon switch. Each node in the Power Strip tree represents a power strip, and
you can click the + and – signs to expand and collapse the view of devices plugged into each of
the serially-controlled Power Strip outlets. If the Power Strip View panel is not visible, choose
View > Power Strip.
Figure 19 Power Strip View Panel
Paragon Manager automatically detects Raritan Power Strips connected to your Paragon system.
Click any Power Strip in the tree to view its outlets. Click the + and – signs to expand and
collapse the view. Right-click any Power Strip outlet to view its properties.
Editing Power Strip Data
To organize the Power Strips in your Paragon configuration and to keep track of the machines to
which they are connected, you may want to name the Power Strips and outlets.
1. Double-click any Power Strip icon to view its properties. The Outlet Information dialog
Figure 20 Outlet Information Dialog
2. The default name of the strip appears in the Power Strip Name field. Type a new name if
3. The Outlet # field is automatically populated and cannot be changed.
4. Click the Outlet Type drop-down arrow to select either a Power (PWR) or CPU type outlet.
5. Type the name of the outlet in the Outlet Name field.