Removing NV5128 Routers
You can delete any existing NV5128 routers from Paragon Manager so that Paragon Manager can
no longer control it. When you delete the router, all association data relevant with the router is
removed, either.
1. Choose Router > Configure Routers. The Configure Routers dialog appears.
2. Click the row containing the router that you want to remove from the table.
3. Click Delete.
4. A confirmation message appears. Click Yes to remove the router or No to abort the removal.
5. Repeat Steps 1 to 4 if you want to remove more routers.
6. Click Close to quit the dialog.
Configure Servers
Channels ports on a Paragon switch usually connect to servers, and source ports (input connectors)
on a NV5128 router connect to audio/video output devices. To determine which audio/video
output devices the router should output audio/video signals when you access any Paragon channel
port, you must associate channel ports with the source ports. A channel port can be associated
with a maximum of 8 source ports, and each source port can be associated with one channel port
Adding Source Association Data
1. Choose Router > Configure Servers. The Configure Servers dialog appears.
Figure 30 Configure Servers Dialog
2. Click New to start adding source association data.
3. Click the UMT Name drop-down arrow and select the Paragon Base Unit to which the
Paragon Manager is connecting.
4. In the Server field, select the channel port on the Paragon switch that you want to associate
with the router’s source port(s). Click the left drop-down arrow to select the channel number
and the right drop-down combo box will show the channel name if any.
5. Click the Router Name drop-down arrow and select the NV5128 router whose source ports
you want to associate with.
6. This step varies depending on your physical hardware configuration:
• To associate all ports based on identical port numbers:
a. Click Reset to Defaults.
b. A confirmation message appears. Click Yes to reset. Then each channel port is
associated with a source port if they share the same port numbers. Note that the port
type of all source association data is set to Audio by default.
• To associate the ports at a random sequence: