3. Click Change and the Change Password dialog appears. Type a new password in the Enter
New Password field, and re-type the password in the Repeat Password field. Click OK
when finished.
Figure 13 Change Password Dialog
4. The Security Groups field is automatically populated, based on the defaults of the Paragon
switch to which you are connected. To change the assigned Security Groups, click Set
Security Group and change the default groups (please consult your Paragon User Guide for
more information on Security Groups).
5. Click the Allow Administrator Privileges drop-down arrow and select an option from the
6. In the User Options panel, click the Scan Mode drop-down arrow and select the scan mode
for this user. Global scan mode, the default, scans each channel for the same amount of time
(default time = three seconds), and Individual scan mode scans each channel for a specific
time the Administrator has specified on the OSUI. To change the number of seconds for the
Global scan, type the new duration of seconds in the Scan Time (Sec) field.
7. Click the Hot Key drop-down arrow and select a key from the list. When you press this key
twice rapidly on any user station in your Paragon configuration, the Paragon OSUI will
appear. Note that this option is set in Paragon Manager, but used only at local user stations in
the Paragon system.
8. Click the Previous Channel drop-down arrow and select a key from the list. When you press
this key on any user station in your Paragon configuration, the channel previously viewed
will re-appear. Choose None to override this capability. Note that this option is set in Paragon
Manager, but used only at local user stations in the Paragon system.
9. Click the Sleep Mode (min) drop-down arrow and turn the power-saving mode off or on
(that is, Saver or Green). If you select Saver or Green, type in the number of minutes after
which, if there is no keyboard or mouse activity, the user station monitor goes blank with a
floater displayed (Saver) or without a floater displayed (Green) on the screen.
10. The Help Display determines how the Paragon help screen is activated from any user station
in your Paragon configuration.
11. Click the ID Display (sec) drop-down arrow to turn the ID display Off or On. If you select
On, the ID Display will remain on the user station monitor for the number of seconds you
type into the next field.
12. In the Menu Position and ID Display Position panels, enter the Horizontal and Vertical
placement of the menu on any of the user station monitors in your Paragon configuration.
13. Allow Force Video Privileges field: An administrator or user with administrator privileges is
by default capable of performing the Forced Video function (video redirection). However, to
allow a user without administrator privileges to be able to execute this function, you need to
specify the privileges for that user. Please note if you have more than one Paragon switch in
your Paragon system, you may need to connect to diverse Paragon switches to configure the
Force Video privileges for the same user since each Paragon switch stores their user data
respectively. Choose ON to authorize the privileges to the user or OFF to disable the
14. Click OK when finished, or click Cancel to exit without adding a new user.