Not all of the Administrator User’s (Admin) properties can be changed. If you select the Admin
icon in the User panel and activate the Admin’s User information dialog, those properties are
grayed out, as illustrated below. Properties that cannot be changed include User Name, Allow
Administrator Privileges, Allow Force Video Privileges, Set Security Groups, and Help
Figure 15 Admin User Information Screen
Saving User Profiles
As an Administrator, you can back up the User Database of the connected Paragon system to your
local computer using the Save Profile command.
1. Choose Users > Save Profile. The Select destination path dialog appears.
Figure 16 Select Destination Path Dialog
2. Browse through the local system until you find the location where you want to save the
Profile. Type the name of the file in the File Name field and click Save. A confirm message
box will display the path to the folder and file you just chose. Click OK to close the message