
Word(s) DefaultFunctionBit(s)
DM 6556 00 to 07 Baud rate
00: 1.2K, 01: 2.4K, 02: 4.8K, 03: 9.6K, 04: 19.2K
1.2 K
08 to 15 Frame format
Start Length Stop Parity
00: 1 bit 7 bits 1 bit Even
01: 1 bit 7 bits 1 bit Odd
02: 1 bit 7 bits 1 bit None
03: 1 bit 7 bits 2 bit Even
04: 1 bit 7 bits 2 bit Odd
05: 1 bit 7 bits 2 bit None
06: 1 bit 8 bits 1 bit Even
07: 1 bit 8 bits 1 bit Odd
08: 1 bit 8 bits 1 bit None
09: 1 bit 8 bits 2 bit Even
10: 1 bit 8 bits 2 bit Odd
11: 1 bit 8 bits 2 bit None
1 start bit, 7-bit
data, 1 stop bit,
even parity
DM 6557 00 to 15 Transmission delay
0000 to 9999: BCD in 10-ms units.
0 ms
DM 6558 00 to 07 Node number (Host Link)
00 to 31 (BCD)
08 to 11 Start code enable (RS-232C)
0: Disable; 1: Set
12 to 15 End code enable (RS-232C)
0: Disable (number of bytes received)
1: Set (specified end code)
2: CR, LF
DM 6559 00 to 07 Start code (RS-232C)
00 to FF (binary)
08 to 15 12 to 15 of DM 6558 set to 0:
Number of bytes received
00: Default setting (256 bytes)
01 to FF: 1 to 255 bytes
12 to 15 of DM 6558 set to 1:
End code (RS-232C)
00 to FF (binary)
3-6-6 Special I/O Unit Area Settings
The setting in bits 08 through 15 of DM 6602 determines the size and location of
the Special I/O Unit Area, as shown in the following table.
Setting Mode Function
00 C200H-compatible
RAM Mode
DM 1000 through DM 2599 are used for the Special I/O Unit Area.
Data in the Special I/O Unit Area can be read/written.
The data cannot be converted to ROM.
01 C200H-compatible
ROM Mode 1
The contents of DM 7000 through DM 7999 are transferred to DM 1000 through DM 1999
at startup and DM 1000 through DM 1999 are used for the Special I/O Unit Area.
The UM Area Allocation operation must be performed beforehand.
The data is compatible with C200H applications that use EEPROM/EPROM.
ROM conversion is possible indirectly by converting DM 7000 through DM 7999 to ROM.
02 DM Linear Mode 1 DM 7000 through DM 7999 are used for the Special I/O Unit Area.
The UM Area Allocation operation must be performed beforehand.
DM 1000 through DM 1999 can be used as regular DM.
DM 7000 through DM 7999 can be converted to ROM.
DM (Data Memory) Area Section 3-6